Welcome to the Canadian Hip Fracture Registry Demo Site

This site is used to demonstate the fields and capabilities of the Canadian Hip Fracture Registry.

Only dummy data is allowed on the site and it is regularly purged of user entered data.

If you are interested in seeing what the registry looks like, please apply for a demonstration account.

Guideline supporting dataset

Collects the Canadian dataset designed to improve care and capture measureable quality indicators.

Import and export your own data

Data can be uploaded from an excel spreadsheet and exported in the same format.

Instant Dynamic Reporting

Dozens of standard reports allow you to look at your own data in real time and compare against National averages.

Responsive Design

Ultra-responsive design ensures the registry is available on almost any device.

Signup for a Demonstration Account Now

  • Only available to Canadian Hospitals
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  • All accounts will be verified by staff
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  • Accounts are free to contributing hospitals
Sign Up